Winter At The Newt

For my mum's birthday this year, I surprised her with a trip to The Newt in Somerset. We spent the day wandering around its 30-acre garden, exploring the woodland, perusing the gift shop and ended it with a guided tour of the place.

I'd heard a lot of great reviews about The Newt from friends and colleagues but had never been myself. You can only visit if you have an annual membership or you know someone that does and can accompany you using a day pass.

Below are some of the photos I took on the day.

The cafe was unfortunately fully booked when I arranged the visit (one of the biggest attractions for most visitors). Sadly they seemed to be sold out of anything substantial at the Cyder Bar too, which left us feeling quite hungry.

To be fair, winter is probably the worst time of year we could have picked to visit. Not only is it bitterly cold but most of the landscape and produce has been cut back ready for spring. This just means I’ll have to visit in each of the coming seasons and I can't wait to see how it transforms.

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